Wow, don’t you just love that video and it’s message? It was released back in 2020, during the height of the travel lockdowns, by the World Travel and Tourism Council.
We’ve talked a lot over the past few weeks about the questions that are swirling around regarding travel. Yes, things are confusing right now, on that we can all agree.
However, with these cold weeks of winter grabbing hold, maybe it really is time for you to start planning your next vacation, or at least narrowing down that dream sheet.
Studies have shown that just the act of planning a vacation can elevate your mood before you even step foot on the airplane. It’s also the perfect way to get everyone engaged and excited about the upcoming vacation plans.
Itinerary planning is in full swing for 2022 and a long list of clients who are ready to plan for 2023 when schedules allow. When you’re ready to start bouncing some ideas around, I would love to chat about your best course of action. You may simply reply to this email and we can set up a phone or video chat. I look forward to hearing from you, even if it’s just to test the waters.
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