September has arrived, and for a few days the new month brought some fall like temperatures and lower humidity to Coastal Virginia. I don’t know about you, but for me, it just stoked my wanderlust a little bit more. Had things gone according to plan, I would be spending this week sharing my adventures from Greece and Italy. Instead we’re all left dreaming about that next adventure, whenever it’s deemed safe for American’s to again journey abroad.
In the meantime, I wanted to share a few words that may help describe what you’re feeling while you’ve been grounded.
Wanderlust (n) – German – a strong desire to travel
Fernweh (n) – German – this goes a bit beyond wanderlust and is most often described as the opposite of being homesick – it’s the longing for far off places that you have never seen.
Trouvaille (n) – French – Something lovely found by chance – Perhaps it’s that cafe you stumbled across when you took a wrong turn in Lyon? It could be deserted beach you found while driving along the Amalfi Coast.
Vagary (v) – Latin – A wandering or roaming journey – hiking through the Swiss countryside or sailing down the Danube – which would you choose?
Coddiwomple (v) – Old English – to travel purposefully towards a vague destination – this sounds like the perfect way to spend a day in Ireland searching for castle ruins.
Derive (n) – French – much like Vagary or Coddiwomple – this is to drift unplanned, led only by the landscape and architecture around you
Resfeber (n) – Swedish – the mix of anxiety and excitement before a journey begins – this is the one I miss the most right now.
Sehnsucht (n) – German – A wistful longing for travels that have been and travels to come – I hope you would agree that it’s this feeling of sehnsucht that helps us get through until the borders reopen and we can once again grab our passports and resume our travel journeys.
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