These are 5 steps that Savvy Travelers take when planning any vacation. How many do you practice? Perhaps, along with our assistance, these can help you make planning your vacation as easy as stress free as the vacation itself.
#1 – Plan ahead, the days of fantastic last minute travel deals are long gone. While you may occasionally run across what looks to be a fabulous price on a resort or cruise, by the time you factor in the cost of last minute airfare to reach your destination, any potential savings has been lost. Smart travelers are planning at the very least 9 months out on an International trip, with over 50% planning up to 12 months in advance. We have several families that have already planned their 2016 vacations in order to secure the best pricing and selection for their family.
#2 – Price vs. Value – They realize that while the price of two vacations that appear similar offer drastic differences with regards to value when you dig a little deeper. Remember, in the words of Warren Buffett, “price is what you pay, value is what you get.” Is it really worth saving a few € on that hotel room on the outskirts of Rome when you are going to spend hours sitting in traffic trying to get to and from the city center?
#3 – Travel Insurance – They protect their travel investment through choosing the right travel insurance for their needs. Of course, no one ever books a vacation with the intention of canceling, but you still need to protect yourself from the unexpected. Remember a few years ago when the volcano in Iceland disrupted flights throughout Europe for nearly a week? We do!
#4 – They rely on the expertise of a travel consultant – Certainly the internet is a valuable source of information, but it can easily lead to overload. By turning to a professional you not only get help in deciphering the information, but you also get assistance in time of need. We will take care of everything from the time you start the planning until you return home. Think nothing will happen? See tip #3!
#5 – Go with the flow – you don’t need to plan out every minute of every day while you are vacationing, unless of course you are visiting Disney and trying to make the most of your dining plan and fast passes. Allow some time to explore sites you hadn’t planned on, some of my favorite travel memories have taken place in spots we hadn’t planned on, but seemed to have stumbled across by accident.
Contact me or one of the other travel professionals at Slaydon’s Travel. We can make getting there as easy as being there!Click here and let’s start planning your next vacation!
Slaydon’s Travel Family Travel Expert, Jennifer Round had the pleasure of speaking with Aubrey Aquino on The Hampton Roads Show Wednesday March 11, 2015 as part of the show’s Travel Week series.
If you would like more information on Jennifer’s eBook, Slaydon’s Family Travel Secrets, please click the photo below.
I am often asked whether or not someone who does their own vacation research and likes the hands on aspect of planning their own vacation even needs to use a professional. Here are the top three reasons even the most seasoned diy planner will turn to a travel professional.
#1 – Validation
There are times when we assist travelers who are simply looking for validation that their chosen destination, resort or itinerary is one that fits their needs. They like the reassurance from a professional that they have not overlooked any aspect of the planning process.
At the other end of the spectrum are the clients who have no idea what their vacation will look like or which destination to choose.
The common denominator in both clients is their desire to have a “real person” assisting them when necessary.
#2 – Peace of Mind
In some cases we assist travelers simply to provide their piece of mind incase the unexpected should occur. They like the idea of being able to pick up the phone and know who is going to be answering on the other end.
They like the idea that someone is watching out for them, and has a vested interest in their well being.
A travel professional has a wealth of contacts within their chosen specialty. In addition to having been well travelled themselves, they have a vast network to reach out to when necessary. It’s reassuring to many clients to know that I can pick up the phone and reach out to the general manager of a hotel or resort to take care of something if need be. That’s not the kind of service or response that you would get when booking a vacation on the internet.
#3 – Buying local
Still others like supporting a small local business instead of using a website with no human interaction. By supporting businesses in your community you put money back into that community rather than into the pockets of the faceless corporations behind the online booking engines.
When you rely on the services of a travel professional you are enlisting their expertise to better your travel experience, it’s truly a win-win situation for everyone involved. If any of these resonated with you and you’re ready to start planning, we would love to be of service to you, click here and let’s get started today.
Here are a few tips to help make this busy travel season a little bit more bearable.
#1 – Give yourself extra time – you’ve heard me say it before, but as always, I would rather you have time to sit an enjoy a cup of coffee at your departure gate than be stuck in a security line wondering if you’re going to make it to your gate before the final boarding call.
#2 – Be prepared to check a bag as the overhead bins fill quickly. With rising baggage fees it seems that everyone is carrying an extra piece of hand luggage. When traveling to Florida this month for a conference all passengers with rolling bags in boarding zones 2 and above were required to check their bags at the gate and retrieve them from the baggage claim in their final destination. Make sure that you have a small bag that you can keep with you for medicines, keys and travel documents. You do not want these items in your checked bags.
#3 – Pay attention to the route – if you are utilizing frequent flier tickets or companion certificates that can not be booked by a travel professional you need to be aware of the airports where you are changing planes. When traveling to points South or to the West Coast make sure you aren’t scheduled to change planes in places like Chicago that could be affected by Winter weather delays and cancellations.
#4 – It’s a little late for this Holiday season, but book early! It’s the busiest travel time of the year, flights are full, lots of people rent cars, resorts and cruise ships are at capacity, the sooner you book the better chance you have of getting the seat you want, the view you want, etc.
#5 – Expect to pay more than if you were traveling during the shoulder season. Again, it’s the busiest time of the year to travel. Schools are closed for at least a week, Colleges can be closed for a month or more. If you are expecting rock bottom prices this is not the time for you to travel.
#6 – When traveling with electronics that might need to be charged enroute, don’t forget to pack the necessary chargers. It’s also a good idea to pack a small power strip or outlet extender. The more crowded the airport is, the harder it is to find an available outlet.
#7 – Traveling with small children? Here’s a link to my blog post with my top 3 tips for family travel.
#8 – Be nice! Sure, it’s stressful trying to get to Aunt Myrtle’s house when flights are delayed or cancelled, but keep in mind that these airline crews and airport staff and baggage handlers are giving up their holiday with their loved ones to make it possible. A “thank you” or friendly smile is just one small and easy way to spread some holiday cheer.
While no one ever begins a trip expecting bad things to happen and we certainly hope they don’t, remember you can always rely on the travel professionals at Slaydon’s Travel to help you in any way possible. Hopefully the above tips will help in avoiding a few mishaps, but if not, we are always more than happy to assist our clients when the unexpected occurs.
Don’t forget to claim your free copy of the Top 5 Ways You Can Vacation For Good by clicking here and entering your name and email address.
Thank you for your interest in the Slaydon’s Family Travel Secrets eBook. We hope you enjoy reading about our secrets on how to create the family vacation you deserve. In the meantime, if there are specific destinations that you would like more information about, please click here to schedule your complimentary 20 minute planning session! If you are not already receiving our weekly updates, and would like to do so, please click here to be included next week.
While the idea of jetting off with your spouse or significant other for a romantic getaway might be just what you had in mind, sometimes your idea sounds so great that before you know it you’re surrounded by a plane load of friends and family. When planning a trip that you want to include others on, here are a few tips to keep things in check. Things can quickly get out of hand and you’re stuck spending your vacation feeling like you’re “herding cats” and don’t get the chance to enjoy your time.
#1 – Nail down the specifics before you invite a lot of people. Sure, there will be people who can’t go on the dates you choose. There will be others who don’t join in for other reasons. However, if you wait until the whole group agrees on a destination, an itinerary and specific dates, you’ll never go anywhere! My advice is book your trip, then put out the invite to whomever is interested in coming along.
#2 – Everyone wants to go! That is, until they have to start paying for the trip. Don’t get upset or discouraged when your initial group of interested participants dwindles significantly as the deposit or final payment date gets closer.
#3 – Set clear boundaries. People need to know what is expected of them. Are you one to plan every detail of the trip for every participant, down to restaurant reservations? If so, your travel companions need to know that you expect them to participate fully in the activities planned. If you plan on doing your own thing and only getting together for dinner that’s important for the group to know as well, so they can make their own plans.
#4 – Plan at least one group dinner, photo or other activity to celebrate your vacation as a group. While you don’t need to be joined at the hip the entire time, you do want some time together, or you wouldn’t have traveled as a group.
#5 – Have fun! Whether treking the Inca Trail or renting a villa in Tuscany, you’re on vacation! You’re surrounded by friends, family and possibly new friends. Take a few moments to count your blessings, raise a glass and toast the occasion. Perhaps if things are going well, it can also be the start of a discussion on the next destination.
Bonus tip #6 – Click here to schedule your planning session with one of our travel professionals. We’ll make getting there as easy as being there!
A couple of weeks into 2014 I thought I would do something a little bit different and offer up the top 14 destinations for 2014 that have been getting a lot of interest from our clients. So, without further adieu, and in no particular order, here they are!
#1 – Brazil – World Cup fever is gearing up and this year all eyes are on Brazil, home of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Matches begin June 12th with the finals scheduled for July 13, 2014
#2 – British Virgin Islands – with the commercialism and hustle and bustle of St. Thomas becoming overwhelming for many, travelers are beginning to explore the British Virgin Islands. With fabulous snorkeling and diving, unique beaches such as The Baths, pictured below, in Virgin Gorda and a more laid back life style, you can’t go wrong with a vacation in the British Virgin Islands. From sailing to hiking and sightseeing and some fabulous resorts, this small chain of islands has something to offer for everyone.
#3 – Italy – always in the top 5 destinations requested by our clients, this year is no exception. With so much to offer for art lovers, wine lovers, those traveling for religious purposes and multi-generational families this is a fabulous destination to add to your dream sheet.
#4 – Costa Rica is quickly emerging as one of the most popular destinations for families looking for adventure. It is easily accessible from the US and offers some great educational opportunities for children and adults alike. Also, who wouldn’t love to relax on a balcony with a view like this?
Costa Rica
#5- Alaska – if you’re looking to escape the heat and explore some absolutely breathtaking scenery, right here in the US, this is your spot! I’ve often said that the photos you see of Alaska are stunning, but nothing compares to seeing it with your own eyes. The photos can’t do this majestic spot justice.
#6 – Australia – it happens every year, days after the World is treated to the breathtaking display of fireworks from the Sydney Harbor Bridge, calls start coming in with queries for Australia.
#7 – Walt Disney World, Orlando – while certainly a fan favorite year after year there are some huge enhancements to your Disney experience coming in 2014. With the testing of “Magic Bands” still in place and the final addition to Disney’s New Fantasyland expansion coming soon in the form of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train attraction, if you haven’t been to Walt Disney World in the last two years you won’t believe your eyes!
The Magic Kingdom
#8 – France – with the 70th Anniversary of D-Day quickly approaching the interest in travel to France has been staggering. Always a popular destination, this year it is near the top of every list. Many travelers are choosing this year to trace the steps of their fathers or grandfathers and visit the beaches of Normandy. Any history buff’s out there? This could be the trip for you!
#9 – National Parks – without leaving the US there are some fabulous destinations to get your family outside! In 2009 there was a documentary series on PBS, by film maker Ken Burns titled The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. Interest in these wonderful locales skyrocketed and has been a choice destination ever since. Which National Park have you most enjoyed visiting? It’s a toss up for me, but one of my favorites so far has been Yosemite, pictured below.
Yosemite Valley
#10 – Hawaii – this exotic location has long been a travel dream for many. With so many islands to explore, without the need for a passport (for American’s) Hawaii’s popularity remains a stronghold. This year is proving to be no exception.
#11 – The Galapagos Islands – for those seeking adventure, wildlife and some time on and under the water, the diversity of the Galapagos is a big draw. It is often listed as one of the places to visit “now”.
#12 – Ireland – An easy intro to Europe, Ireland is a wonderful choice for those wanting to visit Europe for the first time, but afraid of language barriers. It is also one of the few European destinations where Americans can comfortably rent a car and enjoy a vacation with a little more freedom and less structure than more aggressive European itineraries.
Breathtaking Irish Countryside
#13 – Cruising – whether sailing the world’s Oceans or Rivers cruising is always highly popular year after year. While European River Cruises are quickly gaining ground the diversity of Ocean Cruising still reigns. There are fantastic options out there for any traveler.
#14 – Turks and Caicos – One of the new “hot” destinations in the Caribbean this is the top choice for families. With Beaches Turks and Caicos taking the top spot in nearly every Family Travel Destination poll you can’t go wrong in choosing this destination. If you want to be pampered, have every thing included and spend a week in a beachside paradise we can get you there! The Beaches Turks and Caicos resort is a destination into itself, with 19 restaurants, watersports and entertainment included if you want the ultimate stress free family vacation this is your spot. You can read more about this resort here
Beaches Turks and Caicos Resort
There’s a big World out there, will this be the year that you see more of it yourself and share your experiences with your loved ones? Click here and schedule your complimentary planning session, what are you waiting for?
I hope this list helps get your creative juices flowing and sparks some travel ideas that you hadn’t considered.
There’s a big World out there, will this be the year that you see more of it yourself and share your experiences with your loved ones? Click here and schedule your complimentary planning session, what are you waiting for?
Family travel excuses? I’ve heard them all! The kids are too young. The kids are too old and don’t want to go with us. We’re too busy. They’re too busy. They don’t travel well.
I realize that coordinating schedules, even for two people, can be difficult, throw in a few more people and it can be like herding cats. However, when it comes down to it, it’s up to you to get out there and show your children this amazing world in which we live. No excuses! Travel is the greatest gift a parent can give a child. The memories made during family travel rank a close second. Isn’t it about time you started making those memories?
In addition to helping you turn your travel dreams in to a reality, as a family travel expert, I can also make getting there as easy as being there.
Here are my top 3 tips for travel with kids
#1 – Keep them informed! Nothing spurs a meltdown faster than the unknown for a child. Nobody wants to start off their family travel journey with surprises. Even if they are seasoned flyers, before you get to the airport, remind them of the security process. If they are 12 or under, they do not have to remove their shoes to proceed through security. However, I’ve always thought it was a good idea to explain to them in advance why other passengers do have to remove their shoes. Explain to them how and why the process works, why bags have to be scanned, coats have to be removed, etc. The more they know, the more comfortable they will be.
#2 – Involve them in the planning process. Especially for older kids, this is a great way to get them excited about visiting a new destination, or even the idea of family travel. Let them do some of the research and plan the family itinerary for one day. The more aware they are of the area they are visiting the more engaged they are while you vacation.
#3 – Unplug! If they don’t have their eyes glued to an electronic device they can better appreciate this beautiful World around them. What good is family travel if everyone, Mom and Dad included, can’t unplug long enough to enjoy the travel experience and make memories?
As a family travel expert, I specialize in working with families who dream of spending quality time together exploring the World. I help them by creating highly customized, stress free vacations that put smiles on everyone’s face. So that all they have to do is show up, have the vacation of their dreams unfold in front of them and capture every priceless memory. What are you waiting for, contact me today and let’s get started before another summer slips away without a family vacation. To get some ideas on the ideal family travel destination for your family, check out some of my other blog posts on the Hilton Waikoloa Village and Beaches Turks and Caicos, then click here to arrange your complimentary planning session.
Several years ago I attended a wine tasting hosted by the late Peter Coe, founder of local institution, Taste Unlimited. He was a larger than life character and passionate about many things, but especially wine. He talked about experiences and memories that weave their way into the enjoyment of wine. Someone in the group asked why wine doesn’t travel well. The example they used was that they enjoyed a particular wine so much on vacation that they purchased a few bottles to bring home. Once they opened the bottles at home, they didn’t taste the same. Mr. Coe laughed and explained that they did indeed taste identical, but it was the immersion in the vacation experience that was different. When you are passing the hours in a sidewalk cafe along the Amalfi Coast it’s not just the wine, it’s the sights, the sounds, the smells that all add to your enjoyment. While we can certainly try to recreate those experiences when we return home by drinking a special wine or recreating a dish that we ate on vacation the reality doesn’t live up to those memories.
Luckily we can cling to those memories for a lifetime. Travel memories are some of the best and most vivid memories for many of us. Just the mention of a city can transport us back to a moment in time. We can taste a dish that reminds us of a dinner, surrounded by friends and family, in a city half way around the world and decades ago. It is these travel experiences and memories that are ultimately the point of travel itself. When you immerse yourself in the local culture and experience the sites, sounds and flavors around the world you are left with much more than a vacation. These are the people who return home with a renewed vitality and wonderful stories of their travels. They can describe a destination in such detail and with such passion that you not only want to experience it for yourself, but for a brief moment can imagine yourself there. Anyone can be a tourist, but it takes a traveler to immerse themselves in the everyday lives of the local culture and really understand what they are experiencing. “Please be a traveler, not a tourist.”
The best part of my job is the opportunity to help clients realize their dreams of seeing the world.
Leave the details to me and you get to sit back, relax and enjoy the memories! Contact me or one of the other travel professionals at Slaydon’s Travel. We can make getting there as easy as being there!
#1 – Don’t overpack! When you start packing, lay out all of the items that you are thinking about taking on your trip, then put half of them back. On a two week trip you don’t need 14 different outfits.
#2 – Don’t pack for the worst case scenario, pack for the best case. In the event of unexpected weather you can always pick up a few items.
#3 – Know how much your bags weigh. Put them on the bathroom scale before you leave home or use a handheld baggage scale. Make sure that you don’t exceed the airline limit for overweight baggage. A few pounds extra pounds in your luggage can be a costly mistake.
#4 – Stick to a color scheme with your clothing and use items that are versatile. Mix and match your pants and tops to make the most of the outfits you are packing.
#5 – Leave the hairdryer at home! They are common place in nearly every hotel and cruise ship stateroom. If there isn’t one in the room, call the front desk, they can deliver one to you in minutes.
#6 – Take advantage of the Pack for a Purpose program and you’ll have extra room built in for souvenirs you may pick up along the way. This brilliant program allows travelers to bring 5 or more pounds of school supplies, medical supplies or other items that are needed in the destinations you visit.
#7 – Cross pack – If you are traveling with a spouse or other close friend this can be a great way to offset baggage loss. Instead of packing two individual bags, one for him, one for her, pack the same two bags with 1/2 her items and 1/2 his. If one bag does get lost or delayed one person isn’t left with nothing. You each have enough to get you through a few days if necessary.
#8 – Don’t toss your packing list once your suitcase is full. Pack it as well, when you are ready to re-pack your suitcase for your trip home you can use the list to make sure you are not leaving any items behind.
#9 – Keep your valuables and medications with you in your carry on bag. Don’t run the risk of loosing them if your bags become lost or delayed.
#10 – In addition to having identification information on the outside of your bags you need it inside as well. Luggage tags can easily become separated from your bags. It’s a good idea to put id inside your bag too. I recommend placing a copy of your vacation itinerary, along with contact information inside the bag. Place it on top of your items, where it can easily be seen if the bag is opened by airport personnel.
As always, a comprehensive packing list is included with your vacation document booklet. Leave the details to me and you get to sit back, relax and enjoy the memories! Contact me, or one of the other travel professionals at Slaydon’s Travel. We can make getting there as easy as being there!