May has long been a month of celebrations in our family, full of birthdays and anniversaries. My parents are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary tomorrow! You may post a message to them on our Facebook page. In trying to come up with a gift idea I was taken back to this article from a few years ago regarding traditional anniversary gifts. There are certainly some traditional gifts on the guide that are just begging to be interpreted as a vacation! I’m sharing the most obvious with you this week.
Year 3 – The traditional gift is leather. When I think of leather I’m immediately transported to the leather markets of Florence. Can you picture yourself strolling through the magical streets of Florence hand in hand with your spouse?
Year 7 – The traditional gift is listed as “copper and wool” this is just screaming for a trip to Scotland! What could be more appropriate than tracing your family tartan and visiting some of the iconic whisky distilleries as you explore this popular destination?
Year 11 – The traditional gift is steel. I’m picturing a long weekend in Napa visiting world class wineries and tasting straight from their stainless steel tanks.
Year 15 – The traditional gift is crystal. A visit to the iconic Waterford factory in Southern Ireland would certainly fit the bill for this. While you’re there you can also spend time getting to know the Irish people who are known far and wide for their friendliness towards visitors.
Year 20 – The traditional gift is China, which started off this whole concept of using a destination as a gift. I think you’ve figured out by now that China would be a great destination to visit for your 20th Anniversary.
Year 25 – The traditional gift is silver. There are many countries that are known for their silver products. One of the most popular is Peru. Maybe this is a good opportunity to visit the iconic Machu Picchu while you’re taking in the sites.
Year 30 – The traditional gift is pearl. Tahiti is known for it’s stunning black pearls. Your 30th anniversary is the perfect opportunity to escape to the south pacific and indulge in an overwater bungalow.
Year 35 – The traditional gift is coral. It’s time to dive into Australia’s Great Barrier Reef! To quote the author Dave Barry, “There’s nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater, you realize that you’ve been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.”
Year 40 – The traditional gift is ruby. Rubies have been traditionally mined in Thailand. Perhaps this wasn’t even a destination you had considered before, but from the breathtaking beaches to the ornate shrines of Bangkok there is a something for every traveler to enjoy.
Year 45 – The traditional gift is sapphire. Picture yourself and your spouse enjoying a romantic dinner for two on your private terrace as you gaze over the famous blue roofs on the island of Santorini in Greece. Between the roofs and the beautiful sea there are many different shades, I’m sure one qualifies as sapphire, but you’ll need to be the judge and let me know after your visit.
Year 50 – The traditional gift is gold. Enter the golden gates of the Palace of Versailles and you’ll find yourself surrounded by even gilded statues and over the top opulence. Versailles is an easy day trip from Paris. I can’t think of a better place to celebrate your 50 years together than a trip to Paris, a city so closely associated with romance.
Year 55 – The traditional gift is emerald. What better way to celebrate than a trip to Ireland! The Emerald Isle is the perfect place to slow down and enjoy the sites. Even if you did visit for your 15th Anniversary, think about the fun you’ll have swapping stories with the locals over a pint while you reminisce about the changes over the past 40 years.
Are there destinations you’ve visited while you celebrated an anniversary? Perhaps this has given you some ideas to celebrate your next anniversary, click here and we can get the planning started today!
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