The latest craze


Have you noticed your social media feed full of friends playing Wordle? There have even been news articles about the game’s difficulty since having been bought recently by the New York Times. While I have found myself caught up in the fun of that, I’ve also enjoyed Worldle even more. It’s a similar concept, in which you are given the outline of a country, or territory and you have six guesses as to which country is represented. It’s a great test of geography, and you may even discover a new destination to add to your wishlist in the process.

While online may be fun for games, now is not the time to try to navigate planning your next vacation online without the help of a professional. When I tell you that protocols are changing daily, it’s no exaggeration. With all of the “announcements that there will be an announcement” it’s enough to make your head spin. Then there are the recommendations, or projected changes in protocols that seem to disappear in thin air. When you are not sure of the source things get even more confusing.

That’s where we can help, while we can’t guarantee that protocols won’t change (multiple times) during the planning process, we can guarantee that you will have the most up to date information from our trusted sources, not some internet link that takes you down a rabbit hole.

When you’re comfortable enough to start planning your next vacation the professionals at Slaydon’s Travel are here to help navigate that process.

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