You have all been indulging my story telling these past few weeks, and for that I thank you. It’s not the time for us to book that vacation just yet, but it’s never too early to dream of that next destination. The one that has been in the back of your mind for years. Last week I shared stories of our clients tracing their roots. During the coming weeks, I’ll continue to share some of my favorite stories from our travelers through the years. Perhaps it will stoke an interest with you as well and prompt you to dig a little deeper into a destination you’ve been considering. Goodness knows, we’re all going to need a vacation once all of this is over. Until we can wander, we will continue to wonder about that next trip. I’ve been working with the Gallagher family for nearly 10 years now to plan some really fantastic family vacations. Like many families, we started with trips to theme parks and all-inclusive resorts as they expanded their comfort zone. It wasn’t long until we jumped in with a beautiful customized itinerary for this family of 5 to South Africa. Not long after they followed up with this trip to Australia to squeeze in one last adventure before their oldest heads off to college. |

The time they met the Cockatoos… Mr & Mrs Gallagher had traveled to Australia years ago and fallen in love with the destination. They were excited to expose their boys to as much of Australia as possible at a pace that would keep everyone entertained. Their hesitation had always centered around how the boys would do on such a long flight. Luckily, they all handled the flights to and from South Africa like champs, so they were clearly up for the challenge of a flight to Australia. During her first trip to Sydney, Mrs. Gallagher discovered the flocks of sulphur-crested Cockatoo’s in the Sydney Botanic Gardens. Her boys had grown up hearing about these giant white birds. One of the things at the top of the list for the family was to see if they could find the birds again in the gardens. As you can see from the Flytographer session photo, they were successful in their quest. They were able to make a connection to the past and see the cockatoos they had heard so much about over the years. Ultimately I think this was the highlight of the trip for everyone because they were able to make the connection to the trip from the past. Another stop on the Gallagher’s itinerary was a week in Cairns to experience the Great Barrier Reef. Mom, Dad and their oldest son are all PADI certified SCUBA divers. We wanted to incorporate some dive time in the trip, but still keeping the two younger boys entertained. That can be a challenge when the dive sites can be two hours off shore. Luckily, we were able to arrange a week on a small boat. Here’s the feedback I got once they returned: “The small, intimate ship that took us to the reef and various islands for hikes, snorkel trips, optional diving, island beach picnics and hands on education while feeding us delicious food and watching whales jump was just unbelievable – and something I didn’t know even existed to look for. All of us were entertained, educated and enthralled! It was exactly what we wanted but didn’t know existed!” Are you ready to start dreaming about experiences that are exactly what you were looking for but didn’t know existed? I’ve built relationships around the world to do just that for my clients. I’d love to help your family when the time is right. |