Vacation for good

Saturday is Earth Day. This seemed like a good opportunity to revisit the Vacation For Good program that is central to all that we do at Slaydon’s Travel and helping our clients travel responsibly.

We are passionate about providing the opportunity for our clients to be able to take advantage, as they wish, of the many options available with regards to responsible travel.

While we realize that certainly not everyone will wish to take advantage of these offerings we feel strongly about making sure you are aware of the opportunities and the impact you can make. Next week I will share with you the specific ways we were able to Vacation for Good while visiting London for Spring Break.

What we want clients to realize is that they don’t have to sacrifice luxury to travel responsibly. The tips will not only leave the smallest footprint, but also the greatest impact as you travel. This World we live in is truly an amazing place if you take the time to not only see it, but to slow down enough to appreciate it. By adding just one of the Vacation for Good elements you will not only be traveling responsibly, but also ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy some of the same life-changing travel experiences for themselves.

#1 – Eat and Shop Locally – avoid the chain stores and restaurants. One of the best ways to dive into the culture of a new country and meet the people is to shop where they shop and eat where they eat. Local markets are a great way to meet and support the people who live in the communities, but also pick up some great local crafts and foods. Don’t forget to bring along your reusable shopping bags!

#2 – Use some of the space in your luggage to pack items to donate in your destination. Pack For A Purpose is one of my favorite organizations for this purpose. The founder of the organization uses a great analogy, especially for those of us raised in the South. She says that most of us wouldn’t dream of visiting someone without taking along a hostess gift. These 5 pounds of supplies are your hostess gift!

#3 – Take a walking tour when you visit a city for the first time. This will help reduce the number of buses and cars on the road, and it also gives you an opportunity to slow down and see the destination more closely. Bike sharing is another great way to see a new locale, and especially popular in many large European cities.

#4 – Choosing the right tour operator – There are many choices when it comes to planning the perfect itinerary. It is easy to get overwhelmed, that’s where the expertise of a travel professional comes in. Did you know that several companies already have programs in place that benefit the destinations you will visit? There are even luxury hotel chains leading the way for sustainable travel. I will highlight Red Carnation Hotels next week in my sustainable London overview.

#5 – Something as simple as avoiding travel during the peak season is a great way to vacation for good. You can get a great value and most often enjoy some fabulous weather by traveling during the shoulder or off-peak seasons. However, the benefits don’t stop there, you can reduce the impact on emissions, pollution and waste disposal, as well as extend the tourism related employment season. These factors make it a win-win situation for both the traveler, who doesn’t have to fight the high-season crowds and for the local who can make a more consistent living from the tourism market.

If any of these vacation for good elements are something you think you would like to consider for your vacation click here and let’s get started!