Every day is some sort of holiday, right? Monday much of Europe celebrated May Day, and yesterday was Global Travel Advisor Day! Often as travel advisors we get “mayday” calls from clients, or even potential clients to help them out when things go awry. This week I wanted to share with you just some of the benefits you’ll experience when using a professional travel advisor.
#1 – It’s our job to make sure you not only get the best value but also the vacation that best fits your travel needs. If price is your only driver we are not a good fit. One of my favorite quotes from a travel colleague is “How cheap does a bad vacation have to be for it to be okay?” A professional travel advisor is in your corner to add value, not to be an order taker. We know that the least expensive price is not normally your best value, there can be restrictions or fees associated with that price that you may not realize. We also have connections that have been build within the industry over the past 40+ years, those connections benefit our clients in ways they could never imagine or obtain on their own.
#2 – You aren’t just number with a professional travel advisor. We take the time to get to know each and every one of our clients. They know that should something go wrong they can pick up the phone and reach us directly, not going through a menu of “press 1 for English, press 2 if you are…” etc.
#3 – A professional travel advisor can guide you in making the best decisions for your vacation, just because your neighbors, friends, family members had a wonderful time when they went to a certain resort or destination does not mean that it’s the right fit for your vacation investment.
#4 – A professional travel advisor isn’t a click and buy database! We’re passionate about what we do and how we can customize a vacation that exceeds your expectations
#5 – The average family takes a “big vacation” every other year that requires hours of research and planning, if we narrow that down to just the years that your kids are in school from K-12, that’s 6 or 7 vacations. We plan those “big vacations” every day! While you could spend hours researching, talking to friends, neighbors, family members or even scouring what may or may not be legitimate reviews online a quick consultation with a professional travel advisor and you’ll be on your way to planning your dream vacation. You most likely don’t cut and color your own hair, you don’t do your own manicures and pedicures, you don’t do your own taxes or try to navigate your own financial planning or estate planning, you leave those things up to professionals. Why take a chance with trying to DIY your vacation plans and the memories that will last a lifetime that go along with that vacation?