What motivates you to travel?


The World is open! Travelers are exploring in record numbers. Many destinations are reporting pre-pandemic numbers of visitors. Those clients who felt grounded or didn’t wander too far from home are ready to pack their bags and see new sites. This week I wanted to dive into the different reasons we all have for wanting to travel.

What motivates you to get off your sofa and see the World?

Here are some of the most common answers I get to that question, some might surprise you!

#1 – I’ve always wanted to see (insert any destination) in person – This is by far the most common response. Whether you read about a destination in your favorite book, studied it in school or can trace your family tree back most travelers want to experience the destination themselves and bring that to life with their own memories.

#2 – I want to see the destination before it changes more. Alaska, Venice, Glacier National Park, these are all prime examples of destinations that are being changed either through natural or manmade causes before our eyes. Unless you’ve been to Alaska within the past 3 years, chances are the landscape has changed dramatically.

#3 – My neighbor/friend/cousin loved it and said I should go – This isn’t always the best reason to go. Just because they loved a particular resort or destination doesn’t mean it’s the right fit for you. That’s where sharing your travel style, expectations, and other motivations with a travel professional will help make sure that you are a good match for the vacation you are describing.

#4 – To celebrate a milestone – We see this one quite often as well. Couples will plan to visit iconic destinations for milestone celebrations such as 25th Anniversaries or 40th Birthdays. While those are great motivations when saving for your vacation fund, too often we see clients not reach those milestones because life gets in the way. That certainly has been the case since March of 2020. We don’t have a crystal ball to know what could happen, go ahead, take that trip for your 22nd anniversary or your 39th birthday, you won’t have regrets of what may have been.

#5 – I want to learn more about the people, the culture or the food. This is a great motivator for getting off the sofa. What better way to immerse yourself in a destination like Italy than living like a local for a week or two while you become an expert in Italian cooking? That’s an experience that will provide stories to last a lifetime.

When you’re ready to get out of your zip code and experience more of what the world is waiting to share with you, I would love to help. Click here to schedule an appointment,