Things are beginning to settle back down with regards to community spread in Coastal Virginia. Although it seems our next challenge may be the forecast of snow later today and into the weekend. As far as I’m concerned, I’ll take a blanket of snow over 35° and rain any day.
This week I wanted to share some of the travel trends we are seeing for 2022
Top 3 trends for 2022 travel
#1 – Making up for lost vacation time – many families are planning for multigenerational travel in 2022 as the past several holidays were spent away from friends and family. We’re seeing larger groups that include all branches of the family tree.
#2 – Going big – With the pent up wanderlust we’ve all experienced our dream sheets have gotten even longer. We’re seeing more inquiries into locations that are often “saved” for milestone occasions, such as Alaska, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.
#3 – Staying longer – This goes hand in hand with the unused vacation time from the past two Summers. The trips we are planning are rarely the one week fly by that packs in as many locations as possible. We’re continuing to see a shift towards average vacation length of 14 – 17 days and fewer locations. Clients are choosing to immerse themselves in the local culture and slow down enough to enjoy their time away.